Thursday, April 23, 2009

So, That's What Contractions Feel Like

Stephen traveled to Washington DC Sunday night for work. Before he left, I had a stern talk with the baby to explain that she is NOT allowed to make her appearance while Dad is out of town. It became obvious on Monday that she is rebelling already.

Tyler had an appointment Monday afternoon and while I was in the waiting room I felt what I assumed must be contractions. I only noticed them about every 10 minutes and there wasn't any pain, so I didn't make much of it. This continued throughout Tyler's appointment and by the time we left I had decided to go home, grab my hospital bags, and stop by labor and delivery just to get checked out. My only worry was that the infrequent contractions I was feeling would lead to more while Stephen was out of town. 

Tyler and I got to the hospital around 6:30. The nurse examined me and told me that my contractions were actually 2 to 3 minutes apart and I was dilated 3 cm. What?!?! I tried to stay calm while she went to talk to the doctor and I called Stephen, his parents, and my mom.

I was 36 weeks and 3 days. At this point the doctor would have normally admitted me and I would have had a baby Monday night. Since Stephen was out of town, they tried to buy us some time. They tried to stop the contractions with fluids, but after 2 hours nothing had changed. They decided to admit me for observation and gave me a large dose of morphine. The thought was to knock me out and hope the relaxation at least stretched the labor out to the next morning. Stephen would be there at 9am. My mom was also flying in around the same time. The nurse was very doubtful that either of them would get to the hospital before the baby was born. Tyler and Stephen's mom bunkered down in the hospital room with me for the night and waited.

The morphine worked. I woke up a few times during the night, but fell back asleep very easily. At 7am I breathed a sigh of relief - only two hours until Stephen got there and no baby yet. I saw my doc around 8:30 and the contractions had slowed quite a bit by then. She gave me some meds to stop the contractions and told the nurses to remove my IV at 11:00. She would be back at lunch and if the contractions had stopped she would send me home.

So, it's now Thursday and here I sit at home. I am taking Procardia every morning to keep labor from progressing. My OB would like me to carry the baby until at least Monday. I have an appointment with her tomorrow so I guess we'll see what she says then. After all of the excitement earlier this week, I think everyone is ready for the baby to be here. My mom is in town now until next Thursday. Stephen figures I'll go into labor as soon as she leaves. ;)

1 comment:

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