Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Crying Goo

Magoo went to the doctor today to have his teeth cleaned and ears checked. We noticed some "selective hearing" so thought it would be best to have him checked again. He's home now with sparkly white teeth and a big bottle of ear drops. The doc wants him to do long term anti-inflammatory steroid ear drops to see if it will make the swelling in his ear canals go down and open them up. He said that his ear canals are so tiny that he could barely see his ear drum. So, this means I get to fight Goo every night for the next 3 months and try to shove drops in his ears. 

After being back home with him for about an hour I was quickly reminded of the other fun we will have tonight with him. Magoo cries the entire night after he has had anesthesia. Ugh.