Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Marshall has another ear infection - both ears this time. This is the 3rd round of ear infections in the past 3 months. I never went through this with Brenna so it's all new territory for me. The poor guy is just miserable - especially at night. Let's hope they clear up for good this time and be done with all the sickies. :(

Friday, March 09, 2012

Children's Museum Saves the Day

Brenna hasn't been sleeping or eating well and her behavior has reflected it. Having said that, this morning was awful. I had serious doubts that the day could be saved, but I'm glad we battled through. The day started awful, but turned out wonderful. My mom is in town and we had planned to take the kids to the rodeo today, but the cold, rainy weather called for a last-minute change of plans. With Brenna's behavior, I was tempted to stay home, but I took a change and hauled everyone to the Children's Museum in downtown Houston. We had such a fabulously wonderful time! Both kids took a quick nap on the way and were ready to tackle the museum when we got there. They explored, climbed, played and discovered for hours. It was so much fun to watch them and play along. Another nap in the car on the way home and they were ready for more fun. Marshall spent the evening helping Daddy fold clothes and practice walking, while Brenna made cookies with Grandma. The night ended with a fun conversation between me and Brenna in "duck" ("Quack quack? Quack quack quack quack quack.) that Grandma caught on video. I'm sure that will come back to haunt both of us at some point.

It was a good day.