Friday, May 01, 2009

Labor and Delivery - Round 2

The baby seems to have her own plans. My mom flew back home yesterday morning without getting the chance to meet her granddaughter. We joked all week that I would go into labor the day she went home. Well, at 9:30 last night we decided to make a trip to the hospital. My contractions had started around 4:00 and by 8:00 they were 2 to 3 minutes apart and getting stronger. After hearing this news, my mom declared that she will be having a talk with this child later. :)

At the hospital, they examined me then had me walk for an hour to see if my labor would progress. After the hour, my contractions remained the same and I hadn't dilated any further than when I arrived (still at 3cm). I was discharged and sent home just as Stephen's parents arrived at the hospital. I was able to fall asleep at home and my contractions subsided during the night. 

I'm still having contractions off and on today, but nothing at regular intervals like last night. I doubt we will make the trip to the hospital again unless I'm having painful, active contractions. Good thing the hospital is only a few minutes away.